
I'll be going and see you from the distance

Start, I'm gonna start with this
Just a single thought followed by words
I hope I don't miss, miss anything
Write you a letter, but it's better that you hear me,
I suppose I could sing, write a song to share the meaning
Of the love for you I'm feeling
People saying what they will...
I don't care.

I'm hearing voices all around
I'm hearing voices calling out
What would they say?
What would it change?
I'm hearing voices all around
I'm hearing voices making sounds
What would they take?
What would they say to me if only I was listening?

Catch my 24,
I'd gladly give it to somebody because I only want to be with you
I lost and used your love
I start to drown and you go and pull me up
Don't you listen to what they say

Come here, there's something I should tell you
Darling, don't fear
'Cause I'm going, going away
(take from: Hearing voices-One Republic with some addition))

I'm going away, love.. far away than you've ever imagine
farther than furthest star in the glorious sky I've seen today..
I've seen myself apart from the coat that sky made me..
I've seen myself travel with wind, talking all along; foresee the journey ahead of me
I've seen myself hiding behind th
e night sky; being foretold my future

just don't be worry as I always be in the sky
I'll wave at you during dusky evening, always will..
just be easy on the missness, seeing you is as important as me breathing..
I'll inhale your scent from away
and exhale the love and send it back to you..
I'll always send the message for you by the night wind
even during the hardest rain, I'll give you drops of missness from above
I'll ask the cloud to cry..

You'll see me even in the dullest sky you've ever seen
You'll see me smiling by the stars
You'll notice me there in the star
s formation
You'll have me wandering in your dream almost every time you want..
but promise me don't do that every night, I'll be exhausted :P

I'll see you..
Till the moon kisses the sky :)


Subuh 02.00

Sejaman dengan hidupnya bintang yang terang benderang malam ini
tulisanku telah lama membekas di cakrawala
aku tak membutuhkan lembaran perkamen dan kertas
tidak juga tinta..

tintaku berbaur bersama formasi bintang cemerlang
mencoret lapisan lelangit yang muram
kadang tak menentu terbawa angin malam yang beku
guratannya menjadi kaku tatkala berhembus angin yang dingin
kedamaian dalam goresannya seringkali terusik oleh detak jantung bumi yang kupijak
aku merasakannya..

seringkali hujan menghapus jejak-tebar serbuk grafitku yang tak rata..
seringkali pula aku takut mendapati tulisanku tak terbaca
tapi aku senang, hujan sering mengingatkanku untuk selalu mengingat yang kutulis
meski seringkali jejak tulisanku diwakili formasi bintang yang berbeda
aku tak keberatan bintang-bintang itu membantuku berbicara
memperlihatkan rongga-rongga dalam hatiku dengan membuat jarak antar mereka
siraman harum melati kadang membuat mereka dekat..
merapatkan kaki-kaki mereka untuk menyokongku menutupi luka yang kutuliskan diangkasa
berusaha sekeras mungkin, mereka membuatku malu..
aku yakin suatu saat aku bisa mengerti
arti tulisan mereka atas tulisaku
aku mungkin akan mengerti mengapa angkasa yang gelap seakan tak habis menyerap semua bisikanku padanya
suatu saat aku akan melihat tulisanku terpampang dari sudut ke sudut angkasa
aku akan membuatnya sepenuh mungkin, meninggalkan tiada alasan untuk mengisi lembar langit berikutnya
sangat penuh hingga langit harus menangis cukup lama untuk menghilangkan noda yang kubuat di selimutnya

hujjaaaaannn.. sudah kubilang jangan membantunya!!!!

tak jarang aku bingung membaca tulisanku sendiri, seperti saat ini..


jakarta 0509

I've been letting myself sailing further and further away from consciousness
although it felt so cold and neatly tied yo upon the pillar of arrogance
I realize that I've been doing wrong things for a couple of times of my time slot
drifting away from faith too wide

I've never thought that it would be this reasonably big problem between me and myself
I've never thought that I've lready got the solution for this problem

I realize that every pages on mylife has its own theme to be told to you, that's why I never bother to think about it
I'm going to let it go, flow with the time stream, bounce with heart beat of mine
I'm going to see the end of it, and find the faith within my hand.. I just want to keep my life's interesting..
God, I will never asked you to give me the answer of my prayer, I'll let myself into it..
Like i'll never open the next page before this one gets understood by me
I would love to read the book in as early as I can but I must not do that, otherwise it will be over too soon.

Although I will desperately translate the message in your voice, God..
I hope that I've never lose this kind of wonder