
Gombal 4

Stars are all aligned, cosmic debris are nothing compare to every star formation in the sky.. In that moment, I thought the universe existed just only to bring us together.. that's why I'm gonna take the fate, let it guide me wherever it want me to go.. at least I don't have to think about you afterwards.. If fate took my legs off I will walk by hands; if hands were rot I still have my teeth to move forward biting ground, bites by bites.. If nothing left, I'll let the dust of me paint the sky and flew over the horizons just to meet you, says goodnight..

Many stars in here; every night I remember staring to the gloomy dark night sky but I prefer a pair of star above them all, the stars you've been carry all along in your eyes.. At least tell me if it is useless to hang those prayer up in the dark, gloomy sky of you.. I will not be hurt, promise! If you say so, let us be friend in the future :) I know where to find you, I'll always be..

Do you know dear why I love you? it is because of you is you..
I can be myself when you're near me.. A million faces pass my way but they're all the same; nothing seem to change anytime I look around although we know don't know what future holds

All I want to know if its with you..


Gombal 3

I saw gloomy skies every night, every night you didn't return my whisper..
I heard every whisper from the wind but not even single silent breath from you
call me if bad things happen will you? You can go back to heaven, hell is the one for me to dealt with

I really didn't know why my eyes are burning until I saw you turn your back on me, please be generous I'm not the only one who sad when you're doing that.. I know you feeling the same..
I knew every time i was thinking of there will be star fell down from the sky because I always mention you and me in one word of my prayer, us.. every empty spot they left in the galaxy will be my place to hang those hopes of mine along with every dusts and ashes that form the milky way..


Gombal 2

Why must you take it all away? spare me a little of my heart or lend me some of yours..

I always dislike rainy season but I like the sound when the raindrops falling and my only reason to like dry season is there is always sun to keep you warm.. The world? I also dont like the world, the only thing I like about it is there is you wandering around the globe..

I'm sorry if I stare at you too much, if you're feeling uneasy you're free to tell me.. didn't u even bother to ask why? whatever, I'll give the answer to you.. its just that I treasure every moment I see you; the moment I blink my eyes is very precious as well. Do you even see me? do you know what colour of my jacket today? really? Since I met you, other than you the world is only black and white..

gombal 1

Do you know What am I doing right now? I'm thinking of you.. I usually take a walk in the night, hoping for the wall of your heart broken and let me cover down under it.. Sometimes I even need compass just to know where am I going because I always lost inside you warm heart.

Actually I've visit the doctor this morning because my eyes were so painful, I ask him why? he said that you are there in my eyes and can't get out.. Did it hurt when you fall? felt out of the sky? I know..I know.. you are here bringing the tears of heaven every single birthday you have because raindrops will always falling hard when the days come; it were tears from your angel friends up there to let you go and meet me.. Remember the first time we met? you seem to rejected me.. I decide to forget you for the rest of my life but tell me how to do that when my heart always pounding out my chest every time met those two eyes of you?


Horizontal rain

Phew, whatta day..whatta rain!!

You know sky, I disagree that today you poured sooo much water to earth, why must today? today is the day I've planned for a week! What did you intend to do with that? you've ruined my sports day! what are you thinking?!

I am sure you knew about my sports day, I've been telling you all week aren't I? remember I've talked about playing football outdoor in sunday afternoon? arrggh, you make me soo...dissapointed! you've also sent stormy wind today, not only made me angry but also hit my body with flu, now I am also coughing a bit, hhmpf..:((

what are you orchestrating today was an awful, disrespectful and totaly menace! huh! what did you mean by putting horizontal rain to me?


It's me (again)

Hi all,

sometimes it cherishes you a bit after fought all day long with computer, finally you found some trivial quiz in the internet tag you with the 'what your month tells you' or 'what people think about you' and a lot of else.. al you do is just click..click and click, as easy as that and you'll find result like this:

alfend you're

Loves to joke (yep its me, some friend even call me absurd-I surely dont know why are they nicknamed me like that).
Attractive (suitsuiwww, am I really that attractive? sure.. :P)
Suave and caring (I wish I could be like this) .
Brave and fearless (heu5, I know myself better than anyone).
Firm and has leadership qualities (what kinda firm is this? well, at least I can lead myself).
Knows how to console others ( this is important, you'l lsee yourself in other's pain yet you wanna heal it..).
Too generous and egoistic (bwuhuhuhu.. I'm blushing to be too generous and happy to be egoistic!)
Takes high pride of oneself (well, we all should take our pride high, right?).
Thirsty for praises (hmm, this one I kinda disagree).
Extraordinary spirit (you bet!).
Easily angered (so far I can control my temper better than others, so high pride of me, hahahaha).
Angry when provoked (who is not?).
Easily jealous (well, that means I love one's deeply).
Observant (I'm a geologist,remember? i had to observe outcrop to make a map!!).
Careful and cautious (I'm kinda silly I think, usually not careful but care-enough).
Thinks quickly (its all a bout thinking agility to keep up pace to the world, ya'all!!).
Independent thoughts (mostly semi independent, not fully independent yet..).
Loves to lead and to be led (sure I do, how come you guys not?).
Loves to dream (We live by it, stand by the dream of better us in the future).
Talented in the arts, music and defense (art? surely not..Music, mmm I dont think this suits me..defense? noo! I am a striker..
Sensitive but not petty (I'm about ask myself, am I sensitive? guess not :( ) .
Poor resistance against illnesses (no..no..no I'am solid rocks! hopeefully will stays like this for a long time :)).
Learns to relax ( I can always be relaxing myself anywhere, anytime).
Hasty and trusty (hopefully, we all couldn't live by ourself right?.
Romantic (so not me! bwahahaha).
Loving and caring (Hmm.. hopefully others can feel it).
Loves to make friends (one who doesn't, must be a very very lonely...)

that are the result from my month of birthday, anyone sees that in me?

night, people..


Puisi untuk monumenku..

Selamat malam bulan yang ayu..

cahayamu setia mengiringi putaran rodaku malam ini, sudah 4 hari kurasa..
engkau sekarang sering kali terlihat bercanda dengan langit dan bintang, kemarau sudah mendekat kukira :)
aku ingat melintas tempat ini bersamamu bulan yang ayu, tanpa bintang yang mengotori cahayamu; berpayung langit kelam yang seakan tak mau tau..
aku jg ingat ketika melintas tanpamu, terenyuh melihat apa yg ada di sekelilingku..
pemandangan yang tak lagi sama dari terakhir kuambil memoriku dari tempat ini.

aku mafhum bulanku, aku mengerti.. waktu sekarang memang tak lagi sama
nasib kita telah bergeser ke arah yang berbeda sekarang, maaf jika kubilang kita, apa engkau tidak terima?

aku tak bisa memalingkan mataku melihat mereka yang berteduh dari panasnya mentari dibawahnya, lusuh, kadang sangat sekali kucel.. aku sering terlihat seperti itu tapi aku tidak berteduh dibawahnya, aku punya atap sendiri..
tak jarang aku temukan, dinginnya angin malam menyelimuti badan mereka yang basah karena hujan turun dengan derasnya di sore hari, mereka harus berlari, berebut tempat tidur mereka beralaskan tegel2 murah yang tak banyak menyimpan panas dari matahari.. beruntung kadang mereka berjumlah banyak jadi malam mungkin akan terasa lebih hangat dengan menempelkan badan mereka satu sama lain, semoga..
pun begitu, aku masih blm bisa membayangkan mereka tidur dengan 'tenangnya-mungkin' dihantui suara motor, mobil dan apapun yang melintas diatas dan disamping mereka.. semoga mereka berhasil menulikan telinga mereka sebentar untuk mengistirahatkan tubuh mereka stlh berlarian di aspal yang panas sepanjang hari..

engkau tahu bulanku, diantara mereka yang terlelap seringkali kulihat anak kecil sebaya adikku terduduk, menggenggam koran yg tidak laku sore ini di tangannya. dalam posisi membaca ia komat kamit - aku sendiri tidak tau apa ia bisa membaca; apalagi dibawah penerangan lampu natrium yg hanya menyala sesuai moodnya.

aku sadar, monumen yang ikut mengantarku menjadi aku yang sekarang ternyata jadi benteng untuk orang yang tak seberuntung aku, kita.. mereka harus menghadapi ultraviolet yang kita tangkal pake sunblock tiap hari tanpa tepung bedak sekalipun; hujan yang jadi alasan kita malas keluar rumah; pengapnya udara Bandung kini yang sering jadi pembenaran kita menutup jendela mobil rapat2 dan tidak mengindahkan hadirnya mereka..

Monumenku ternyata tidak membawa keberuntungan pada banyak orang, yang kujadikan sebagai landmark perjuanganku ternyata bukan landmark perjuangan banyak orang..

as you grow, you'll have two hands.. one to help yourself one other to helps people, I want to use this privilege!!

Jalan Layang

Malem smua..

Kalo malem malem menjelang pulang gini kadang mikirnya kbanyakan.. ngapain ya pulang sgini malem, ga pulang sore, atau malah nginep sekalian? baru2 baru sadar, salah satu alesan kenapa pengin pulang kalo jam sgini itu karena pasti jalannya sekalian lewat ke bawah jembatan layang pasopati yang umurnya sekarang udah 4 taun lebih.. pasti lewat sana karena pulangnya kalo nggak nganteris isto, iwan atau beli migoreng dulu di balubur :)

lewat dibawahnya bisa bikin mikir, mikir apa aja.. kadang mikir tentang kerennya ni jembatan, orang2 dibawahnya, sampe mikirin kalo roboh gimana..heu5.. (smoga sih enggak :P). tapi jembatannya emang keren banget! dulu, dari gasibu ke cihampelas kalo bruntung bisa dapet 15-20 menit; sekarang, ngedip 3 kali jg kyknya udah nyampe :)). Dulu mungkin ga kebayang sama orang-orang kalo ternyata bisa nyebrangin Sungai Cikapundung yang bantarannya padaet itu cuman pake 3 kali ngedip, sekarang? weyy.. rasanya orang2 dah mikir gmn caranya bikin jembatan layang ke Jakarta..

kalo balik ke 5 taun kemaren emang rasanya padatnya bantaran Cikapundung ga ada duanya deh buat alesan kalo mau telat kuliah, heu5.. Oia, kuliahku gmn ya 5 taun kemarin? rasanya itu taun pertama kerasa jadi mahasiswa, tahun pertama kenal IPK (kemana aja emangnya 2 taun?? ahahahaha..). Jujur aja, taun pertama kuliah emang blm kerasa jadi mahasiswa, nuansa remaja SMAnya masih kentel, masih banyak malesnya.. apalagi ketemu kalkulus, kidas, fidas (lagi!)--emang ga bosen apa blajar itu 6 taun? set dah.. Ngerasain pertama kali dapet nilai E di sekolah (waktu itu deg-degan banget rasanya, dasar Pa Koko..ngasih nilai E ke Mahasiswa yang ganteng bgini :P). kepaksa deh ngulang kalkulus buat cuman lulus dari TPB, heu5.. Untung banyak temen yg ngulang, jadi nggak ngerasa terlalu tersisih dari ITB, hahaha caarii temeenn (terima kasih teman2 yg barengan ngulang kalkulus sama mahasiswa namanya alfend rudyawan, 12002008; semoga jasa kalian dibalas YMK).

Praktikum 8 jam sehari, apa ga mabok itu mahasiwa? yang kuliah di ITM pasti tau kalo lamanya praktikum kimia n fisika dasar bisa dipake jalan2 ke jogja =)) plus kadang2 nilai yang kluar suka ga sebanding sama usahanya (halah, yang ini klasik pembenaran ala mahasiswa, ngerasa udah belajar banyak kuliah terus tapi ga bisa2, bwahahaha..) dibandingin harus responsi kalkulus hari kamis di 9301 meningan lari2 bareng GEA muterin kampus 4 keliling deh.

Beneran lulus TPB kyknya baru pas ya taun 2004 itu, baru bebas mbah kalkulus yang menjeratku 1,5 taun. Taunnya sama seingetku jembatan itu dibangun, jadi sekarang jembatanya jadi monumen keberhasilan menembus TPB buat alfend rudyawan. Panjangnya sama ky perjuangan dapet nilain C buat kalkulus I (lebay banget ga tuh! wakakaka..) untung kalkulus 2 enggak ngulang lagi :) untung fidasnya ga ada masalah, untung kimianya ga ada masalah.. (pasti pada nyangka jelek jg kan? ga juga kok, cuman ga mau nyombong nilainya ajah :P)

kadang lewat monumen itu, banyak keinget hal-hal yang pernah dilewatin n bikin sadar satu hal; waktu lagi lebih muda kita suka mikir kalo ntar tuaan dikit semoga kita bisa milih yang terbaik buat hidup kita, tapi ternyata kenyataan ga selalu gitu pilihannya kadang2 sangat terbatas.. semoga bisa dapet pilihan yang paling baik di antara yang terbatas.. amin..

Gutten Nacht..over and out..