Just a single thought followed by words
I hope I don't miss, miss anything
Write you a letter, but it's better that you hear me,
I suppose I could sing, write a song to share the meaning
Of the love for you I'm feeling
People saying what they will...
I don't care.
I'm hearing voices all around
I'm hearing voices calling out
What would they say?
What would it change?
I'm hearing voices all around
I'm hearing voices making sounds
What would they take?
What would they say to me if only I was listening?
Catch my 24,
I'd gladly give it to somebody because I only want to be with you
I lost and used your love
I start to drown and you go and pull me up
Don't you listen to what they say
Come here, there's something I should tell you
Darling, don't fear
'Cause I'm going, going away
(take from: Hearing voices-One Republic with some addition))
I'm going away, love.. far away than you've ever imagine
farther than furthest star in the glorious sky I've seen today..
I've seen myself apart from the coat that sky made me..
I've seen myself travel with wind, talking all along; foresee the journey ahead of me
I've seen myself hiding behind the night sky; being foretold my future
just don't be worry as I always be in the sky
I'll wave at you during dusky evening, always will..
just be easy on the missness, seeing you is as important as me breathing..
I'll inhale your scent from away
and exhale the love and send it back to you..
I'll always send the message for you by the night wind
even during the hardest rain, I'll give you drops of missness from above
I'll ask the cloud to cry..
You'll see me even in the dullest sky you've ever seen
You'll see me smiling by the stars
You'll notice me there in the star
You'll have me wandering in your dream almost every time you want..
but promise me don't do that every night, I'll be exhausted :P
I'll see you..
Till the moon kisses the sky :)